Shared Community WiFi Networking Blog From A Toronto Co-op ISP

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Servers Down Temporarily--FIXED!

The servers are now back on-line.

The Co-op's voice mail will unfortunately be off-line for a few days- please email to get in touch until then.

[Previously: Website and WiFi login are not working-- the servers are having trouble for some reason. People are on it-- will keep everyone posted with new info as soon as it is available.]



Blogger Unknown said...

DSL service is down too, at least for us.

12:07 p.m., January 02, 2008

Blogger Adam Norman said...

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: service outages need to be posted on an accessible page.

If wifi logins (and/or DSL) are not working, we cannot get to

I'm stealing my neighbour's wifi to post this.

2:20 p.m., January 02, 2008

Blogger Unknown said...

Post updated to say it's fixed, but it's not :(

I agree with Adam. There needs to be somewhere on the WN website where we can see brief notes about the status of the service: if there is an outage, if/when maintenance will be done.

It's easy enough if we can borrow a nearby signal to read the blog, but it's not always possible.

2:49 p.m., January 02, 2008

Blogger Steve said...

Hi folks,

I'd like to apologize to you all for the recent short service outages. We've had a spate of hardware failures recently and we will be taking steps to remedy those problems as soon as possible.

DSL service should not have been affected by the recent outage. If you're still having problems (18:03 EST), please contact DSL support at 1-866-270-9543.

RE: Wifi login problems

The wifi login page is hosted by the wireless nomad web server. Our recent problems affected both the main web server and wifi logins. Any messages posted on the main site would not have been available either. We've set up the blog using an offsite service to keep you informed in just such an situation.

Once again, sorry for any troubles we may have caused

6:07 p.m., January 02, 2008


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