Shared Community WiFi Networking Blog From A Toronto Co-op ISP

Saturday, September 09, 2006

John Lorinc on Wireless Nomad in Saturday's Globe

John Lorinc, a local journalist and author, was interested in Wireless Nomad's mesh networking in Toronto, and wrote about it in Saturday's Globe and Mail (Toronto section), in an article called "The new WiFi mesh."

"...a research team and a plucky co-op have put their routers together to see if there are economically viable ways for consumers to share secure wireless Internet without free riding, on the one hand, or paying a $45-a-month fee, on the other.
"Almost everyone uses someone else's signal at various times," says Andrew Clement, a professor of information studies at the University of Toronto, and a member of the Canadian Wireless Internet Research Project. "Bell and Rogers want everyone to buy their own high-speed service. But there's no good reason we can't share."
Mr. Clement's team is tracking data from Wireless Nomad, a 100-member co-op that's been using so-called "WiFi mesh" technology to set up shared wireless Internet service in a growing number of locations around the city, but especially the west end.
Damien Fox, one of Nomad's co-founders, says the idea involves deploying special wireless routers in subscribers' homes that allow clusters of neighbours to link up to a high-speed Internet connection without paying the full fee or worrying about signal interference from objects like streetcars."

LINK to Globe Article


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