Shared Community WiFi Networking Blog From A Toronto Co-op ISP

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wireless Nomad config Project Page

Still in beta, but here's a link to the web-based config system for the Wireless Nomad routers, created by Jorge Torres-Solis (funded by Prof. Andrew Clement's CWIRP). More on this later, this posting is so everyone interested has a place to go and find it.

Thanks, Jorge and Andrew!




Blogger Unknown said...

Great stuff. I tried to upgrade the firmware on a WRT54G v6 but unfortunately the router didn't accept the image ('upgrade are failed'!). Perhaps there is some info on known good router versions?


2:42 p.m., April 13, 2008

Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Andy,

Jorge Torres here. Yes, basically as mentioned in my web page, the firmware is based on OpenWRT. Linksys has changed their hardware using less memory and less non-volatile RAM. Therefore the versions starting from v5 (as far as I remember now, you can check in OpenWRT web page for more accurate information) have very limited resources, and all the cool features offered by our software cannot be fit in those limited versions.

I think that your best shot would be trying to get a WRT54g v4 or earlier. I think the fellows at wireless nomad are trying to get a bunch of those, you could probably ask them. Another option would be trying to grab any other router that claims to work with OpenWRT (white russian) and try to flash it with our firmware, it might work out of the box.

I hope this helps. Sorry about the inconvenience, but you know that for big companies some cents on each piece mean thousands of dollars in the big picture, and that's why we saw ourselves limited by that.

Thanks for trying the software, let me know if I can help :)


11:16 p.m., April 16, 2008

Blogger Damien said...

Everyone; you can buy a Linksys WRT-54GL from Wireless Nomad in its stock config for $83 + taxes. Just email us!

5:42 p.m., May 02, 2008


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