Another WiFi Sharing System from Spain
Michael writes:
"You guys should check this out."
Basically, Whisher (as its called) is an interesting new system for people to share their WiFi connections at home -- quite a bit like FON, but maybe a little bit more open and less profit-driven.
Gotta wonder how well it will work, though, if they don't actually control their Internet connections -- I read the story, and the guy thye interviewed had some media spin story about how "it depends if you believe users control their connections or Internet providers control their connections"...
I'm kind of inclined to believe that whoever owns the Internet connection is who controls that connection, at least in practice most of the time. "Whisher" will face the same problem FON does -- most ISPs have no interest in giving any control over their lines or customers to anyone else. In the end, that's all they've got, and that's how they plan to make their money -- why would they give it away?
Quite explicitly, most Internet service providers prohibit connection sharing in their user agreements, and don't hesitate to shut people down if they feel that something a user is doing threatens their revenue stream.
In contrast, Wireless Nomad is set up to actually own its Internet connections, not just the WiFi LAN side of things. Of course, we're lucky here in Canada that the CRTC makes this possible, unlike in the United States, where independent ISPs were basically erased at the stroke of a pen a couple of years ago.
Thanks, Michael!