By throttling internet traffic, ISPs are getting in the way of business
From :
How Network Non-Neutrality Affects Real Businesses
Rich Baker 3/24/08
"In their attempt to limit BitTorrent and other peer-to-peer file sharing traffic, some ISPs have unwittingly caused collateral damage to other, unrelated businesses and their users. For example, some Web conferencing providers have seen their services slow to a crawl in some regions of the world because of poorly executed traffic management policies. Since ISPs often deny they use such practices, it can be exceedingly difficult to identify the nature of the problem in an attempt to restore normal service...
...Business and markets cannot thrive when ISPs secretly delay or discard a subset of their traffic. Networks need to be free of secret, arbitrary traffic management policies. Just because an ISP’s network suffers chronic congestion, that ISP cannot be allowed to selectively block arbitrary classes of traffic."
Rest of the article
Of course if Nomad had Mesh Network, it wouldn't be reliant on Bell. The Mesh Network would transfer the data to the backbone.
11:57 p.m., March 27, 2008
I mistakenly thought that Nomad was using a Mesh Network? Okay, so if they aren't, who is in Toronto?
2:38 p.m., March 31, 2008
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